Thursday, October 8, 2009

my crazy head

I'm a very visual person. Images and types and stills of real life situations get stuck in my head and i refer to them to describe life and my thoughts. But I'm also very into music. Sometimes a song lyric, a few notes, or a verse will get stuck in my head for days and days and it will become my soundtrack to those days. I wish that life did come with a soundtrack. that for different moods and experiences songs would play that perfectly portrayed the emotions you were feeling at the time. Just like watching the hills. as shallow as it is you cant deny the music they play describes the situations and the moods of the people in the scenes. Let it be known I do not with my life was the hills, but its simply a good reference. Currently my head is playing Paramore and the lines "Darling, you are the only exception" are running through my mind as they have been the last 3 days. What do I do about this? it happens constantly, every few days or so my head with start a new playlist and keep it set on a song for a while. its something i relate to. a deep down to my core understanding of what those words mean. maybe it doesn't hit everyone else like it hits me, but certain parts of songs or a few words in a verse will give a one of those moments..where the words describe you and you're the only one who feels them. clearly I am not. i wish i could put words together to make people feel connected. words are just words until you feel them.

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